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Egg Knights


A pool noodle duel game

Pro Tips:

  1. Bring a towel or two!
  2. Choose equal sized opponents (tall people really have the advantage)


  • 2 pool noodles
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 helmets (we bought plastic construction helmets from Home Depot/Lowes)
  • Tape

How to Play:

Tape one egg to the top of each helmet. Choose two contestants. Put one helmet on top of each student. Give each student a pool noodle. Whoever breaks their opponents' egg first wins!   Side note: Every game with an egg counts as an Easter game!

Hey if you want to make it a bit more messy.... Remove to helmet and use a nylon over the students head and face to hold the egg on the top of their head. Plus they look ridiculous.

Hey Jeramee, Thanks for adding that variation man. Your youth must love you ;)
So, one should never be drinking anything while reading the comments section! Coffee out the nose is not comfortable. But, Jeramee, this is an awesome variation, and one I am trying this week! Also, on top of towel, making some garbage bag shirts is also helpful!
Love it. Thanks for the thoughts guys. Garbage bag shirts are always a good idea.
We did something similar for new student orientation in college. At the beach we had guys carry girls or smaller guys on their shoulders. Girls had eggs Saran wrapped to their heads and had raw fish to try and break the egg on their opponents head. Pretty messy and stinky!
That sounds gross. Good job.