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Read My Lips

This game was submitted by instagram user @insideoutcbcb via @youthgroupcollective


  1. Noise canceling headphones
  2. Music Player

How to Play:

Have two students come to the front. One of them puts on noise cenceling head pones w/music blasting and the other is given a simple phrase or name to say out loud to partner. Goal is to have their partner read their lips. Think of funny phrases like, "The army of giant hamsters built a lego fortress." Give them four guesses to get it right. Use holiday words and phrases for a holiday themed night You can also play this with teams: Each team sends up two people and if they get it right they get a point for their team. Then the next team does the same. First team to get to two points wins (way harder than is sounds if headphones are good).  

Comments (3)

Oldest First
What are some phrases you have used?
Great game! (found a few typos in the description) #sorrynotsorry
Those are some great typos. We don't always proofread when people submit things. I'm gonna leave it :) Thanks for bringing it to our attention.